Ana | Musician

When speaking about organ music, I always imagined this old, grey guy sitting on the bunch of furniture. Ana is definitely not this type of guy. Apart of being supertalented musician, Ana is always full of joy and her Colombian esprit cannot be missed. We have photographed her profile pictures in the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien and MarkuskircheCheck out her ensemble Arte Sonora.  

Do you also need personalized profile photos, that will differentiate from the grey mass of traditional business portraits. Send me a request now.

Victoria | Prater

Victoria is a lovely lady from Moscow, which among many other things does studying, modeling, wedding videography and even audiobook reading (oh yes she has a sweet voice :-) I am very happy about this pictures, as they characterize how I feel about photography - honest and simple. I am very thankful that we could meet with Victoria, and spent refreshing creative forenoon together.